Why Wedding Sales Are So Different

My sweet wife, Katy, has to remind me all the time to do a better job of explaining. And she’s 100% right. I get lost in my own head so much that I forget to explain to new people what’s going on here with the advice I offer. 

I’m sorry. Let’s go back up to big-picture level for this post, shall we?

Okay, now that we’re at cruising altitude, I want to make...

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3 Things You Don’t Have that You Should

Last week, I explained how weddings were anything but simple to sell. In fact, they’re incredibly complex with lots of moving pieces over long lengths of time with tons of money and multiple decision-makers involved. 

Y’all. This is about has hard as it gets.

What’s worse is that you’re not a salesperson. You’re good at what you do for your clients, which is...

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Who’s Making The Decision Here?

One of the biggest challenges we face in the wedding world is selling to multiple people. 

I know, sometimes it feels like we’re selling to people with multiple personality disorder. We’ve all run into the prospective client who feels like your best friend when you’re on the phone with her during the discovery call, and then you get that email and you’re like,...

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Guide Couples to Discover What They Want

I recently read about Carter Racing, a case study presented in business schools across the country over the past 30 years. Students have to decide whether or not to race a fictional car with recent engine problems, but may give them big sponsorship money if they finish in the top five. Do you greenlight the race car knowing it might blow up?


I’m not going to dive into the case...

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