Who’s Making The Decision Here?

One of the biggest challenges we face in the wedding world is selling to multiple people. 

I know, sometimes it feels like we’re selling to people with multiple personality disorder. We’ve all run into the prospective client who feels like your best friend when you’re on the phone with her during the discovery call, and then you get that email and you’re like, “WTF? I thought we really gelled?”


Want to know what happens?

Let me tell you a little secret about that email right there. It wasn’t the bride-to-be who wrote that email. Nope. It was the ghost-writing-groom. Yessir. That’s right. 

He put his eyes on your proposal – and the three others she collected – and freaked out at the massive amount of money about to leave their bank accounts. He 100% lost his mind and then tried to get control back by taking over negotiations. 


Find out who’s making the decision

One of the most important things you can discovery is who’s involved in the decision-making process. Fiancé? Mom? Dad? Bff? Planner? Venue manager? Chances are some or all of these people will be involved in one way or another. Your job is to find out to what degree they’re participating.

So ask. Yes, it’s that simple. Do it on the phone with them early on in the discovery call. 

Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to have individuals getting married on that first call. (I don’t recommend pushing for this too early, because you want to make the first step happen first.)

If not, pick up on the clues the potential client leaves. Does she say “we” some of the time in the call, like there’s another person involved? If so, ask who that person is.


Clarify others’ roles

And don’t just get their name or relationship to the person doing the initial inquiry. Dig in! Ask:

  • What they’re doing to help make the decision?
  • How involved are they?
  • What’s important to them?
  • What are their concerns?
  • How come they couldn’t make the call?
  • Will they be looking over the proposal?
  • What’s the best way to go over their questions?
  • When do you get to meet them (even if over the phone)?

The more you know up front the less likely you are to be blind-sided by an unexpected email later in the decision-making process.


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