The Worst Inquiry Response Email Ever Written

Okay, if I’m being honest, what I’m about to show you may not be the worst ever written. I’ve seen some pretty bad ones lately! Also, it’s worth noting that this week’s blog post may be a bit longer than 3 minutes – but trust me, it’s worth it.

What makes up a really bad email you ask? View the email and hear my thoughts here.

Pretty scary stuff – right?!? Hopefully you’ve removed many of these frightful elements from your correspondence. However, do yourself a favor and stop doing the following 15 things to immediately improve your chances with a new inquiry.


Top 15 Email Don’ts

  1.     Don’t use ALL CAPS, excessive punctuation and emojis.

2.     Don’t use a generic welcome – this is your opportunity to stand out.

3.     Don’t shame them if they didn’t properly fill out the form on your site.

4.     Don’t make this about you.  Nobody cares why you love weddings.

5.     Don’t use industry jargon.  

6.     Don’t benefit dump – you don’t know what they need yet!

7.     Don’t send them image galleries – you don’t know their wedding style yet.

8.     Don’t send pricing.  It’s too soon.  

9.     Don’t start sentences with “I”.

10. Don’t be negative – about a venue, another vendor…anything.

11. Don’t make assumptions about their style, interests, needs, etc.

12. Don’t get too personal by asking inappropriate questions.

13. Don’t interrogate them!

14. Don’t try to close the sale by attaching a contract.

15. Don’t end the email with a period.


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